Junior Years (Grade Prep, 1 & 2)

The junior school believes in providing a happy, safe, and caring environment where all children feel valued and are actively involved in learning.
Teachers and staff treat children as individuals and tailor their learning by identifying what they know and building new knowledge from there. Teachers in the junior school develop personal learning targets for all students. Targets are set in each area of the curriculum: Reading, Writing, Word Study, Speaking and Listening, Numeracy and Qualities As Learners (QALs).
Teachers and staff are focused on developing the foundations of social and academic independence. This is done in conjunction with building relationships with children and their families and through explicit teaching of Victorian Curriculum capabilities through the ‘QALs’ program. The Junior team works together to implement thematic team planners incorporating skills and knowledge in the areas of Health, Humanities and Respectful Relationships.
Students are introduced to the key ideas of safety and understanding their body through a structured age-appropriate Relationships and Sexual Education program.
In addition to the classroom curriculum, students can participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities. These include:

 Specialist Programs

  • Performing Arts
  • Visual Arts
  • Physical Education

Intervention Programs

  • Speaking and Listening
  • Rainbow Reading

Buddy Program
Swimming / Water Safety Program
Excursions and Incursions
Net Set Go